Great Question is currently running a beta integration with Zapier. Zapier is only available on the team and enterprise plans.
Connect Great Question to Zapier to keep your candidate panel in sync with our third party platforms.
You can add Great Question to your Zapier here.
To authenticate, you will be required to create and add your API token to Zapier.
Supported functions
We currently support the following actions:
- Create Candidate
- Update Candidate
- Find Candidate
These can be used to keep your Great Question candidate panel up to date.
For example. you can connect Salesforce to get all new contacts automatically added to Great Question. When creating or updating a candidate, you can map fields to any custom attribute you have set up, as seen below.
We currently only support actions. If you would like to request a trigger, please contact support or email
Potential triggers:
- interview booked
- interview completed
- transcript completed
- video uploaded
- candidate updated
- incentive paid
- nvite sent